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Hari ini 23 haribulan Februari 2011, genaplah 20 tahun ulangtahun perkahwinan abah dan ibu tersayang...semoga perkahwinan ni kekal sehingga ke akhir hayat...klu usia perkahwinan abah n ibu dah 20, maknanya anak sulung dia yg comel ni pun tak lama lg masuk 20 tahun...hihihi...23 Februari 1991 merupakan hari paling bersejarah bt abah dan ibu...anak sulung dia yg kecik dan comel ni lahir pada 24 November 1991...kahwin dan dpt anak pada tahun yg sama..hihi...jarang2 pasangan yg dikurniakan anak awal...kata org bunting pelamin...haha..semua tu rezeki yg Allah beri...kita hny mampu berusaha kan...hehe..kakak rindu sgt nak jumpa abah & ibu...huhu..kakak nak abah & ibu tau yg kakak sayanggggggggg sgt kat abah & ibu...kekadang rasa sunyi jgk d sini...kakak rindu masakan ibu, masakan abah, gurau2 senda abah, kena leter dgn ibu...uwaaaaa~~rindu la semua tu...bila takda org leter kat kakak mcm tak best...mau jgk kena leter...hahaha~~d sini sapa mau leter kakak ni kan...hehe...selera makan pun makin lama makin kurang...huhu..selalu mkn sorg2...huhu...rindu nak makan ramai2 kat rumah tu...tak sabar nak balik Tawau!!! hehe..mmg betul la apa yg org cakap, klu ada sesuatu benda tu kita tak suka, tp bla dah berjauhan itulah yg membuat kita lebih rindu benda tu kan...hehe..rindu jgk nak bergaduh dgn adek2 tersayang..hihi..that's all for now...(mau tdo dlu..dah lewat ni..hahaha)..I want both of know that I love both of you much!!!! missing both of you so much...hope both of you like the video that I make especially to you....with lots of love, kakak...
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“ Perhatian kepada semua penghuni Alamanda...malam ini akan diadakan majlis Malam Sinar Maulidur Rasul pada jam 8.30 malam di dataran Alamanda...semua dijemput hadir bg memeriahkan lg majlis ini...COP KOLEJ AKAN DIBERIKAN”

Bila pengumuman yang last sekali “cop kolej akan diberikan” berpusu-pusu la org nak datang ke majlis tu...bkn nak dgr ceramah pun, tp hanya untuk mendapatkan cop kolej. Termasuklah yg bukan tgk mereka hny datang, duduk dan bercerita dgn kwn2 yg lain... Setiap pelajar yg menginap di kolej Alamanda ataupun kolej lain mesti mendapatkan cop utk melayakkan diri utk mendapat tempat penginapan pada semester hadapan..

Antara cop kolej yg bru sy dapat...ckit kan???hehehe...

Jika tidak berkemungkinan besar pelajar tersebut harus keluar drpd kolej tersebut...mereka harus mencari tempat penginapan luar dr UNIMAS...sedih kan???sy pun tak nak la dibuang kolej...klu bley nak je duduk kat sini...bukan apa, klu duduk kat luar lg susah...kos pun tinggi...skrg ni susah nak cari rumah sewa yg murah...masalah yg lebih besar ialah, sy tak tau DRIVE!!! Takda lesen!!!Hahahaha~~mcm mana nak pg kelas klu drive pn tak tau???naik bas?? Hmmmm...rasany susah nak dpt bas...sedih kan...jauhny sy melencong...hahaha~berbalik kpd cop kolej sy pun berusaha utk mengumpul cop-cop kolej dgn melibatkan diri dlm apa jua aktiviti yg dianjurkan...setakat ni sy dah kumpul 5 cop...ckit kan??hahaha, takpa la..drpd langsung apa yg menghairankan sy, sikap-sikap pelajar yg hny melibatkan diri hny kerana nak dpt cop kolej...cuba klu pengumuman kat atas tu takda disebut cop kolej akan diberikan???mesti ramai yg tak nak pg kan???ada setengah je yg pg ataupun tak sampai ¼ yg datang kan...klu sy tak la mcm tu pg pun jika ada kelapangan...maklumlah busy dgn assignment, lab report & mcm2 lg laaa...dlm pada masa yg sama sy risau jgk...hihihi...takut2 kena buang ni memilih jgk..klu berunsur agama sy mmg pg, tp klu mcm pesta Halloween, tak kan nak pg kot???bkn kah ianya berunsur tak perlu la nak pg pesta mcm tu kan...takda faedah pun...tak kisah la tak dpt cop kolej klu nak meraikan benda mcm tu...mcm2 aktiviti yg diadakan kat UNIMAS ni...ada pesta perayaan tiga kaum utama...ada majlis keagamaan...sukan air n byk lg laaa...tak terkira tak dpt sy nak pg semua tu...keja pun byk..hihi...bila difikirkan balik, tak berbaloi juga asyik nak kumpul cop kolej..sbb dorg hny nak kumpul dlm pada masa yg sama, mesti jgk bt mcm tu...sbb klu pelajar tak libatkan diri dlm aktiviti kolej, baik keluar je kan? Tiap tahun ada intake pelajar baru...mana nak letak pelajar baru tu...intake U bkn tak tau la sama ada UNIMAS je ke yg bt mcm ni, ataupun semua universiti di Malaysia???hmmm..apa2 pun sy harap sy tak la kena buang kolej semester depan...hihi...that’s all for now...happy2 always..bubbye n assalamualaikum...

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Once upon a time, there was an island where all the feelings lived...Happiness, Sadness, Knowledge, and all of the others including Love. One day it was announced to the feelings that the island would sink, so all the feelings left except for Love.

Love was the only one who stayed. Love wanted to hold out until the last possible moment.

Whe the island had almost sunk, Love decided to ask for help.

James was passing by Love in a grand boat. Love said, “James, can you take me with you?”

James answerd, “No, I can’t. There is a lot of gold and silver in my boat. There is no place here for you.”

Love decided to ask Rose who was also passing by in a beautiful vessel. “Rose, please help me!!”

“I ca’t help you, Love. You are all wet and might damage my boat.” Rose answered.

Sadness was close by, so Love asked, “Sadness, let me go with you.”

“Oh...Love, I am so sad that need to be myself!!”

Happiness passed by Love too, but she was so happy that she did not even hear when Love called her.

Suddenly, there was a voice, “Come Love, I will take you.” It was an elder. So blessed and overjoyed, Love even fogot to ask the elder where they are going. When they arrived at the land, the elder went her own way. Realizing how much was owed the elder.

Love asked Knowledge, another elder, “Who helped me?” “It was Time”, Knowledge answered.

“Time?” asked Love. “But why did Time help me?”

Knowledge smiled with deeo wisdom and answered, “because only Time is capable of understanding how valuable Love is.”

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Assalamualaikum dan hi semua!!! Hihi~~

Kalau cerita cinderella, putera cari pemilik kasut...kalau cerita Another Cinderella Story, lelaki cari pemilik mp3...tapi..dalam cerita Another Cinderella Story 2, lelaki cari pemilik pendrive!!!! Hahaha~~nak tau sapa pemilik pendrive tu???? Sapa lagi...saya laaaaa~~~hahaha...lawak jugak...semalam sy tertinggal pendrive sy di makmal komputer mmg slalu lepak kat je...sbb line kat situ laju...situ lah tempat sy download segala nota2 yg ada...klu nak download kat bilik jgn harap laaa~~tgu sampai berjanggut kot...hahaha~~sy tak perasan pn pendrive sy dpt tau bila abah sy yg call semalam...orang tu call abah sy...dia kata ada orang ckp pendrive sy pun pelik...mcm mana dia tau nombor telefon abah...abah ckp dia buka pendrive tu, dia buka satu2 document sy..last2 dia terjumpa tiket flight sy nak balik Tawau...dlm tiket tu ada no. fon abah...aduyai~~haha..baik sungguh hati dia nak kembalikan pendrive tu~~chinese boy...MASTER student oww~~haha..abah pun bg la fon number sy pun call la dia...dia kata dia bg pendrive tu esok(hari ni) kat tempat yg kata okey no problem..hehe...abah plak kata “ ooooo~~ada BF ya...” kahkahkah...lawaknya...tak kenal pun dia...baik sungguh chinese guy tu...cute lg tu...hahaha~~sanggup cari sapa pemiliknya...salah sy jgk sbb leka sgt smpi pendrive pun tertinggal..fikiran melayang entah kemana agaknya...smpi london dah tak sempat pun tanya nama dia...anyway thanks to the person for returning my pendrive...hehe..really appreciate it (^_^)

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Assalamualaikum and Hi everybody...

Berdasarkan tajuk di atas, mesti anda tertanya-tanya robot apa tu kan???hehe...sebenarnya tu tajuk assignment English sy...ktorg disuruh buat satu esei imaginasi atau imaginative recount...agak lama jgk sy berfikir untuk mencari idea...last2 keluar idea rasa imaginasi sy tu menarik, tu la sy nak kongsikan dgn anda semua...sebenarnya ini diadaptasi dari movie tamil yg sy minat sgt....bila tgk movie tu, sy pun berangan la nak buat robot anda semua baca la ek imaginasi sy kat bwh tu...dlm bahasa tau ayat sy tu byk salah...confirm lebih dari 10 kesalahan, tp sy tak tau yg mana sy budak bru belajar...mungkin ada yg ketawa bila baca imaginasi tu, tp sy minta tolong ckit bley tak????klu nak ketawa bley, tp jgn kuat-kuat yerrr~~malu sy nnt...hahaha~~ketawa dlm hati je ek???hihihi~~dan satu lagi sy nak minta tolong...please betulkan apa yg sy salah k???sy lebih suka org tegur kesalahan sy...


In the next thirty year’s from now, if I can achieved it, I want to create a robot that can perform all human duties. I want to create an Andro-Humanoid Robot. It looks like human. There is no difference between the robot and human from the outside look. Human also can’t differentiate between the robot and human.

This robot can perform like humans. It can do all the human activities. This robot can make my life easier. Duties like cleaning the house also can be done by the robot. It can cook, washing dishes and clothes. There’s no need a servant anymore. This robot thinks like human because feeling’s hormones is inserted to the robot, so that it have a feelings like humanity, anger, happy, love, sad and all the feeling like human does. But the side effect is, if the robot fall in love with the particular person, the person is in trouble. Beware!!!

Moreover, this robot also protect human from danger, for example it can protect from the kidnapper’s. It also can help people that trap in the fire because it can stand for higher temperature until 1000 degree celcius. The special characteristics in this robot that I like the most is, this robot just scanning the pages of the books. By scanning, the robot know all the content’s of the books. It just took a second to complete it. So, I doesn’t need to read the books. Just let the robot do it, then it can tell me what the content of the books!!! It’s amazing right? Of course it can help me during exam, but not to cheating. The robot can read my books on behalf of me, then it can teach me. Another features of the robot is, it can sing!!! So it can entertain me when I’m getting bored.

If I can make this robot, just imagine how’s my life would be. It must be interesting right? The most important thing right now is, I must study hard to be a great scientist!!! If I can’t make the Andro-Humanoid Robot, just let it be an imagination in my life. Maybe one day, my grandchildren would create it.

***please give your reactions by clicking the reactions below or leave your comments...thanks***

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Wish all the chinese...Happy Chinese New Year!! Angpau lai lai~~hehe...
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Assalamualaikum n Hi semua...

"Berfikirlah sebelum berkata kata, jangan berfikir sesudah berkata kata sebab sebelum perkataan keluar kita punya, apabila sudah keluar orang punya. Dari kata kata kita, kita mendapat banyak kawan kawan dan lawan"
Baru-baru ni sy telah difitnah oleh coursemate sy sendiri...apa yg membuatkan sy sedih, mereka post fitnah tersebut di Facebook....ianya sgt memalukan dan menjatuhkan maruah sy sbg seorang perempuan...apabila disiasat, dia mendengar perkara tersebut drpd mulut org lain...padahal cerita tersebut hannyalah tipu belaka...inilah sikap manusia zaman skrg suka memfitnah org lain tanpa usul periksa terlebih dahulu...terus sja nak post bnda bukan2 kat facebook...klu nak dilihat skrg, facebook bukan lg utk berhubung, tp menyampaikan fitnah dan menghancurkan hidup org lain...amat sedih tu kata dia just main2 n make a dia tak tau yg persepsi org dia mgkn benda kecil, tp bg sy tu bnda besar...tanpa berfikir terus nak post ke FB...cuba fikir...kalau sy dah berpunya dan BF sy nmpk bnda tu, apa yg bakal terjadi????ataupun kalau sy dah berumahtangga,suami sy nmpk...apa yg terjadi????pasti anda tahu kan apa yg terjadi???kadang-kadang FB ni jgk boleh merosakkan hubungan seseorang...sehinggakan ada yg bercerai kerana FB...salahkah jika kita rapat dgn kwn yg berlainan jantina jika tujuan sebenar adalah untuk belajar??? Fikir-fikirkan lah~~
That's all for now...have a good day...

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You tucked me in, turned out the light
Kept me safe and sound at night
Little girls depend on things like that

Brushed my teeth and combed my hair
Had to drive me everywhere
You were always there when I looked back

You had to do it all alone
Make a living, make a home
Must have been as hard as it could be

And when I couldn't sleep at night
Scared things wouldn't turn out right
You would hold my hand and sing to me

Caterpillar in the tree
How you wonder who you'll be
Can't go far but you can always dream

Wish you may and wish you might
Don't you worry, hold on tight
I promise you there will come a day
Butterfly fly away

Butterfly fly away, butterfly fly away
Flap your wings now you can't stay
Take those dreams and make them all come true

Butterfly fly away, butterfly fly away
We've been waiting for this day
All along and knowing just what to do
Butterfly, butterfly, butterfly, butterfly fly away

Butterfly fly away
Butterfly fly away

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